The EMF Harmonizer Smartwatch Chip is a small but powerful EMF protection device that fits into the band of any wireless wrist device to provide protection from the EMF radiation emitted by that device. Perfect for the Apple Watch, Fitbit, or any smart watch or fitness tracker.
Your smart watch or fitness tracker is constantly emitting EMF's and is of course directly on your body for long periods, so protecting yourself is important! Now you can enjoy the convenience of your wireless connected wrist device without the worries about the damaging health effects of its electromagnetic radiation.
The Smartwatch Chip is a small and discreet 7/16" stainless steel "rivet" that will screw into any rubber, cloth, or leather watchband (although not metal). You simply insert it into an existing hole in the band or make a small opening with a sharp object, insert the post, and screw on the other side.
The Chip is waterproof, durable and so small that you will not notice it at all.
- Please be sure to tighten it with a screwdriver when inserting it into your band so that it does not come loose and get lost!
Smartwatch Chip vs. Apple Watchband and Other Wearables
The difference between the Smartwatch Chip and our EMF Harmonizer Apple Watchband and our bracelets and necklace is that the chip protects you primarily from the EMF's from the wrist device, whereas the watchband and other wearables protect you from all EMF's that you encounter from any source. The reason for this is that 1) the others hold more energy by virtue of their size (the bands and necklace chain are energized in addition to the metal parts) and 2) because the band or necklace circles the meridians in your wrist or neck, the energy gets circulated throughout your body through your meridian system. This distributes the energy more thoroughly and in greater quantity, offering more protection.
So the Smartwatch Chip is similar to the Harmonizer+ for cell phones and Harmonizer for other wireless devices - it neutralizes the EMF radiation from the device to which it is attached and provides some energetic support to the body as well, which will help with other EMF's you encounter. This energetic support for the body is not at the same level as the Apple watchband, bracelets, or necklace, but is significant nonetheless,